Introduction to BEYABLE
Let's discover BEYABLE in less than 5 minutes.
About BEYABLEBEYABLE is a french start-up who provied to it's customers solutions to implement personalisation in order to upgrade their business objective upon saas interface.
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What is Personalization ?Personalization is a package of tool which is used to make unique display for each visitor to your site based on personal and behavioral data.
Therefore, your website will offer specific displays for each user triggered according to defined parameters.
exemple: a promotional pop-in appears on your site offering a reduction on the last product viewed if the user clicks on it more than twice and spends at least one minute on this product page without without having added it to his shopping cart.
VocabularyWe called Campaign every personalization dislay generated by the BEYABLE Backoffice.
We called Trigged activation condtitions linked to a campaign.
We called Reporting every statistic graphic report linked to a campaign and available in the BEYABLE Backoffice
Tools neededIn order to set up BEYABLE's solutions you will need three things:
- Get Beyable Key
- Configurate your campaign on the Beyable Backoffice
- Set up Sdk on your current project